Extra info

Bib number

Where can I find information about the bib numbers?
Click here for all information about the bib numbers.

Confirmation e-mail

I haven't received an e-mail confirmation, what now?
Once you are registered, you will receive an automatic e-mail confirmation. So please ensure that your e-mail address is entered correctly. If you do not receive the confirmation message within 30 minutes, please check your spam folder just in case the confirmation email got delivered there instead of your inbox. If you haven't received our mail, please contact us.


General terms and conditions

What are the general terms and conditions?
Click here for general terms and conditions. 

Minimum age

What is the minimum age to participate in the NN Kids Runs and City Run Rotterdam distance?


Minimum age

Maximum age

NN Kids Run 1 km

6 years

10 years

NN Kids Run 2,5 km

8 years

15 years

City Run  Rotterdam

12 years


Race regulations

What are the race regulations?
Click here for the race regulations.

Registration guide

How do I register as a group, school or association?
First, register your group via the registration form. After registration, you can add or invite the team members to your group. Follow the steps in this manual.


Where can I find my results?
The results will be published on this page afterwards. You will also receive the link to the results page by e-mail after the event. Note: the gross time is the official time. Do you have a question or remark about your results? Send an e-mail to Mylaps Event Timing based on your bib number and any times you have clocked yourself. 

Start and finish area

How does the start and finish area look like?

Click here to see the map.

gro-up Corner

gro-up Corner
The gro-up-up corner is located on the Coolsingel opposite the City Hall, where we organize various fun and surprising activities. All children, young people and parents are welcome!

Your child lost? Come to the group-up corner
If you lose sight of each other on the Coolsingel, you can contact us. We will provide care for lost child(ren) during the NN Kids Run on Saturday April 13.

Do you have a question? Click here for the FAQs.