What are we doing?

The multi-faceted medical society conducts and promotes independent scientific research around Golazo's events, advises on the use of acute (para)medical and first aid care, and takes on executive tasks. The group aims to standardize chain care at events. One of the main principles is to increase scientific knowledge about running among athletes, organizers, (para)medics, and other stakeholders. The aim is to provide the athlete with optimal advice before, during, and after a sporting event. Besides, the RMSG wants to (continue to) provide adequate event care.

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What are the tasks?

The tasks of the authoritative Rotterdam Marathon Study Group include four elements:

1. Executive (organization of current medical care at NN Marathon Rotterdam, NN CPC Loop Den Haag, DSW Bruggenloop Rotterdam)
2. Advising (athletes, medics, organizations, federations)
3. Scientific research and education (stimulating, facilitating, executing, supervising, and evaluating scientific research concerning running events and transfer of knowledge to event care providers;
4. Cooperation (various emergency services, Field norm Event Care, Erasmus MC, and TU Delft). 

Who are the members?

  1. Dhr. S. Hofdom, Crisiscoördinator, SH Enterprise (Voorzitter)
  2. Mw. K. Pannekoek, Klinisch gezondheidswetenschapper, Fysiotherapie Oosterflank (Vice Voorzitter)
  3. Mw. A.W. Bultstra, ambulance verpleegkundige /verpleegkundig MKA centralist i.o., Rotterdam Rijnmond (Secretaris)
  4. Dr. A.E. Hoek, SEH-arts, Erasmus MC (Medisch adviseur)
  5. Dr. N. Dollee, SEH arts i.o. (Medisch adviseur)
  6. Dr. J. Alsma, Internist acute geneeskunde, Erasmus MC (Medisch adviseur)
  7. Mv. C. Schramm, SEH verpleegkundige/reanimatie coördinator Erasmus MC (Coördinator medische materialen)
  8. Dhr. E. de Ronde, Ambulance verpleegkundige, RAV Midden-West-Noord Brabant (Coördinator Medische Materialen)
  9. Dhr. E. Huisman, Manueel therapeut, Fysiotherapie Oosterflank (Coördinator Paramedisch)






At which events is the RMSG active?

The Rotterdam Marathon Study Group is since many years active with a large group of health professionals at the NN CPC Loop Den Haag, NN Marathon Rotterdam, and DSW Bruggenloop Rotterdam. The RMSG has an advisory role at many other sporting events.

What does the collaboration look like?

Cooperation around events
The members of the RMSG are responsible for all internal medical care before, during, and after the event. The chairman of the RMSG is a representative within the crisis organization called MIT (Marathon Intervention Team). Based on the number of participants, distances, and weather forecast, a medical network is set up with enough doctors, specialized nurses, physiotherapists, sports masseurs, Red Cross workers, and first aid volunteers. Supplemented with ambulances and OVD-G's (Officier Van Dienst Geneeskundig), in consultation with the GHOR (Geneeskundige Hulpverleningsorganisatie in de Regio) and combination with the appropriate aid locations, care is taken for a good organization of the reception and removal of stragglers and an efficient and effective medical aid chain. All members of the medical team and the medical organization participate in the events voluntarily. Golazo Sports ensures that all preconditions are arranged. This includes ensuring that all volunteers have corporate liability insurance for their work during the Golazo Sports events.

Before an event, hospitals and HAPs (general practitioners' centers) in the area are informed by letter about (the medical deployment of) the event. On the day of the event, the RMSG makes an informative phone call to all SEHs and HAPs on duty.

Collaboration on advice
The RMSG is a member of the national working group Field Standard for Event Care. The Event Care field standard aims to create a high quality organizational and medical protocol for the chain care during an event. The expertise of the RMSG is used for this purpose.

Research collaboration
Erasmus MC and TU Delft are renowned partners in the field of research.

Can any organization seek advice from the RMSG?

All organizations involved in events and scientific research can contact the RMSG at rotterdammarathonstudygroup@golazo.com.

I would like to conduct scientific research at one of Golazo's running events. How do I apply?

Research proposals can be made by members of the RMSG and third parties. All research proposals are reviewed for feasibility, applicability, and relevance by the RMSG according to a set review structure. Research requests are submitted to the RMSG at rotterdammarathonstudygroup@golazo.com and include the research proposal according to a set format. One or more members of the RSMG will participate in the research in the function of liaison. Written publications by third parties will also be done on behalf of these members. They will affiliate with the RMSG.

How to be approached for scientific research/how to apply?

Participants who register for a running event from Golazo can indicate on their registration whether they want to be approached for participation in scientific research.

What is the Referral Evening?

Once a year in the week before the Rotterdam Marathon the Referral Evening takes place. The purpose of this evening is to give sports medical (prevention) information to all (para)medical and Red Cross workers, the GHOR (Regional Medical Emergency Services) and ARR (Ambulance Service Rotterdam Rijnmond) are also invited. All Medical Team volunteers will, before the Referral Evening, receive written information and instruction from the RMSG about their tasks and working methods during the event. The Red Cross relief workers will also receive specific instructions from their organization. During this evening, presentations are also given on scientific research that has taken place. Specific information and instructions relevant to the volunteer in question are also covered during the Referral Evening. 

Is the RMSG also present at the Marathon Sport Expo?

The RMSG advises runners participating in the NN Marathon Rotterdam preventively. In the days before the marathon, the RMSG is present at the Expo. The purpose of the medical stand at the Expo is to give non-binding medical advice to the participants of the marathon and other distances regarding complaints and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, training, and treatment advice shortly before the run. It is not a medical examination, from which rights can be derived afterward in case of complaints during or after the race or not being able to complete the run, but only a piece of medical or paramedical advice. If there is a recently passed infection or an overuse injury, advice can be given on the load for the race and possibly the use of preventive measures such as taping or bracing as a supportive, preventive measure. Also, a guideline can be given about clothing and nutrition. Besides, advice can be given on a possible short intervention for the run, such as physiotherapy or manual therapy.

How can I contact the RMSG?

The RMSG is best reached via email. Send an email to rotterdammarathonstudygroup@golazo.com. Include in the subject line what your question is about. The RMSG will answer your email as soon as possible, but no later than within a week.